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Dhakmar is a village located in the Mustang district of Nepal. Situated in the Upper Mustang region, Dhakmar is known for its unique red cliffs and rock formations. The village offers picturesque landscapes, traditional Tibetan-influenced architecture, and a peaceful atmosphere.

Name: Dhakmar
Country / District: Nepal , Mustang
Full Address: Mustang, Nepal
Altitude: 3800 meters
Special Attraction: Dhakmar in Mustang, Nepal, offers special attractions. Witness the captivating red cliffs and unique rock formations, providing stunning photographic opportunities. Explore traditional mud-brick houses with intricate woodwork, reflecting local craftsmanship. Experience the tranquility of the region and interact with the friendly local community while trekking through scenic landscapes.


The village is located in the Upper Mustang region, known for its Tibetan-influenced culture and architecture. Dhakmar showcases traditional mud-brick houses with intricate woodwork and decorative details, reflecting the local craftsmanship and cultural heritage.

Trekking to Dhakmar offers an opportunity to experience the tranquility of the area and witness the traditional lifestyle of the local community. Interacting with the friendly residents provides insights into their customs, traditions, and everyday activities.


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