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Dharapani is a village located in the Manang district of Nepal which falls in Annapurna trekking trail.

Name: Dharapani
Country / District: Nepal , Manang
Full Address: Manang
Altitude: 1860 meters
Special Attraction: Dharapani is special for following reasons: Stop on Annapurna Circuit trek making it significant stop for trekkers, entry to Manang region, Majestic mountains, lush forests, terraced fields, Gurungs & Tamangs unique traditions, warm hospitality, Mani Walls: Carved stone structures with Tibetan Buddhist prayers. It is also special <br /> trekking hub for accommodations, teahouses, restaurants, trekking services.<br />


Dharapani, a charming village nestled in Nepal's Manang district, is a significant stopover on the Annapurna Circuit trek. Enchanting visitors with its scenic beauty and cultural experiences, Dharapani is a gateway to natural wonders and cultural immersion.

Scenic Beauty

Majestic mountains, lush forests, and terraced fields adorn the landscape of Dharapani, offering visitors a visual feast. Trekkers can embark on scenic hikes to explore the village's surroundings and capture stunning photographs.

Cultural Experiences

The village is home to the Gurungs and Tamangs, ethnic communities known for their rich traditions and hospitality. Visitors can interact with the locals, learn about their way of life, and indulge in delicious Nepali cuisine.

Intricately Carved Mani Walls

Dharapani is adorned with intricately carved Mani walls, reflecting the local religious beliefs. These stone walls are inscribed with Buddhist mantras and prayers, offering visitors a glimpse into the region's spiritual heritage.

Trekking Hub

Dharapani serves as a trekking hub, offering accommodations, teahouses, and essential services for trekkers. Trekkers can use the village as a base to acclimatize to the high altitude and prepare for their trek.

Diverse Flora and Fauna

Situated within the Annapurna Conservation Area, Dharapani showcases diverse flora and fauna, highlighting conservation efforts in the region. Visitors can spot rare wildlife, such as snow leopards, blue sheep, and red pandas, while exploring the village's surroundings.



Dharapani is a captivating destination that offers visitors a unique blend of natural beauty, cultural experiences, and trekking amenities. Whether you are a seasoned trekker seeking an exhilarating challenge or a traveler yearning for a tranquil escape, Dharapani has something to offer everyone.