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Lhonak, nestled along the Kanchenjunga route, boasts a majestic Himalayan landscape, towering peaks, glaciers, and awe-inspiring panoramic mountain views. It serves as a vital stopover before the final stretch to Kanchenjunga Base Camp.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />

Name: Lhonak
Country / District: Nepal , Taplejung
Full Address: Taplejung, Nepal
Altitude: 4780 meters
Special Attraction: Key attractions in Lhonak along the Kanchenjunga route include its breathtaking Himalayan landscape, towering peaks, glaciers, panoramic mountain views, and its role as a resting point before reaching Kanchenjunga Base Camp.


The village is nestled amidst the breathtaking Himalayan landscape, surrounded by towering peaks, glaciers, and vast snowfields. Lhonak offers trekkers a serene and peaceful atmosphere, allowing them to immerse themselves in the awe-inspiring beauty of the high Himalayas.


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