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Nagarkot is scenic hilltop village with stunning Himalayan views, mesmerizing sunrises and sunsets, hiking trails, and a serene escape from the city.

Name: Nagarkot
Country / District: Nepal , Bhaktapur
Full Address: Bhaktapur, Nepal
Altitude: 2195 meters
Special Attraction: Special attractions of Nagarkot are breathtaking panoramic views of the Himalayas, stunning sunrise and sunset vistas, hiking trails, serene ambiance, traditional villages, and a peaceful retreat from city life.


Nagarkot is renowned for its stunning sunrise and sunset vistas, with the sky painted in hues of orange and pink. The village is surrounded by terraced fields, dense pine forests, and traditional villages, providing a serene and picturesque setting.

The village offers a range of accommodations, from budget guesthouses to luxury resorts, providing options for all types of travelers. It also boasts several restaurants and cafes serving both local and international cuisine.




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