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Oktang, nestled along the Kanchenjunga route, entices trekkers with its pristine alpine beauty, breathtaking views of Kanchenjunga and neighboring peaks, and a tranquil ambiance perfect for photography and peaceful contemplation in the mountains.

Name: Oktang
Country / District: Nepal , Taplejung
Full Address: Taplejung, Nepal
Altitude: 4730 meters
Special Attraction: Special attractions of Oktang in the Kanchenjunga route include its pristine alpine beauty, stunning views of Kanchenjunga and surrounding peaks, serene atmosphere, and opportunities for photography and meditation in the high-altitude wilderness.


The valley is known for its pristine beauty, with snow-covered slopes, glacial streams, and a serene atmosphere. Trekkers can witness the grandeur of Kanchenjunga, the third-highest mountain in the world, along with other majestic peaks.


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Oktang >