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Ramche, on the Kanchenjunga route, offers stunning alpine landscapes, views of Kanchenjunga, and serves as a base camp for exploration.

Name: Ramche
Country / District: Nepal , Taplejung
Full Address: Taplejung, Nepal
Altitude: 4580 meters
Special Attraction: Special attractions of Ramche along the Kanchenjunga route include its stunning alpine landscapes, breathtaking views of Kanchenjunga, a base camp for exploration, and access to nearby destinations like Oktang Valley and Yalung Base Camp.


The area around Ramche is known for its stunning alpine landscapes, including pristine meadows, glacial streams, and breathtaking views of snow-capped peaks. Trekkers can witness the majestic beauty of Kanchenjunga, the world's third-highest mountain, and its neighboring summits.


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Ramche >