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Tseram is a village located at an altitude of approximately 3,870 meters (12,696 feet), known for its scenic beauty and as a resting point for trekkers on the way to Kanchenjunga Base Camp.

Name: Tseram
Country / District: Nepal , Taplejung
Full Address: Taplejung, Nepal
Altitude: 3870 meters
Special Attraction: Key attractions of Tseram along the Kanchenjunga route include its picturesque beauty, panoramic mountain vistas, lush forests, the opportunity to experience Sherpa and Limbu cultures, and its role as a resting point before reaching Kanchenjunga Base Camp.


Tseram: A Picturesque Village in the High Himalayas


Tseram, a picturesque village nestled in the high Himalayas of Nepal, is a popular destination for trekkers seeking to experience the breathtaking beauty and unique culture of the region. Surrounded by lush forests, pristine meadows, and awe-inspiring mountain vistas, Tseram offers visitors panoramic views of snow-capped peaks and the serenity of the high-altitude environment. 

The village offers basic accommodations, teahouses, and lodges where trekkers can rest, refuel, and acclimatize before continuing their ascent. Tseram also provides an opportunity to interact with the local communities, including the Sherpas and Limbus, and gain insights into their unique cultural traditions.

Tseram is a particularly popular destination for trekkers on the Kanchenjunga Circuit trek, which offers stunning views of the world's third-highest peak, Mount Kanchenjunga. The village is also a starting point for treks to other nearby peaks, such as Yalung Kang and Pachermo.


Tips for visiting Tseram:


  • The best time to visit Tseram is during the spring (March-May) or autumn (September-November) when the weather is mild.
  • Be prepared for a challenging trek, especially if you are planning to complete the Kanchenjunga Circuit trek.
  • Pack appropriate trekking gear, including sturdy shoes, warm clothes, and sunscreen.
  • Respect the local culture and customs.
  • Learn a few basic Nepali phrases to show your respect for the local people.


Tseram is a truly unique and special place that offers visitors a chance to experience the beauty and culture of the Himalayas at close range. With its stunning scenery, rich heritage, and warm hospitality, Tseram is a must-visit destination for any traveler seeking an authentic Himalayan experience.

Tseram >