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Yamphudin is a village in the Kanchenjunga region, situated at an altitude of approximately 1,690 meters (5,544 feet), surrounded by terraced fields, lush forests, and inhabited by the Sherpa and Limbu ethnic communities.

Name: Yamphudhin
Country / District: Nepal , Taplejung
Full Address: Taplejung, Nepal
Altitude: 1690 meters
Special Attraction: Key attractions of Yamphudin along the Kanchenjunga route include its picturesque setting, terraced fields, cascading waterfalls, panoramic mountain views, the opportunity to experience the Sherpa and Limbu cultures, and warm hospitality of the locals.

Yamphudin is a picturesque village located along the Kanchenjunga trekking route in the Taplejung district of Nepal. Situated at an altitude of approximately 2,080 meters (6,824 feet), Yamphudin is known for its unique cultural heritage and traditional Limbu village lifestyle.

The village is nestled amidst terraced fields, surrounded by lush greenery and forests. Trekkers can witness the natural beauty of the area, including cascading waterfalls and panoramic mountain views.

Yamphudin is inhabited by the Sherpa and Limbu ethnic communities, who have preserved their distinct traditions and way of life. Trekkers have the opportunity to interact with the locals, learn about their customs, and experience their warm hospitality.

The village provides basic amenities such as teahouses and lodges, offering trekkers a place to rest, enjoy local cuisine, and recharge before continuing their trek